qwertyuiop demo releases after 3 days

i've been working on this game for 2-3 days now and i got a 2 world, 20 level demo out! i'm really enjoying making the game right now, so i hope people enjoy playing it as much as i like making it. there are a few bugs and things i wanna work out before world 3 comes out:

- last level doesn't show a demo ending screen, it crashes the game

-moving blocks are buggy but i can't really do much to fix that by world 3 

-current menu kinda looks mid, gonna change it up next demo update

-might add collectables ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

i'll figure out more stuff along the way, but for now, welcome to qwertyuiop!


qwertyuiop World 1 and 2 Indev Demo.zip 15 MB
Nov 24, 2022

Get qwertyuiop


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add anál to the game pls

sure thing bud

i am the one who mounts